Trip Planner

Your dream vacation is just a click away. With our Trip Planner, you can pick and choose from all that Newport News has to offer, which happens to be a lot! To start planning your vacation, click the attractions that interest you and add them to your planner.

Newport News has everything - from history, beaches, parks and trails to fishing, sports, shopping and restaurants. The ability to add your own destination is a helpful feature, especially when combined with directions. Add in a site, such as your home address, and let us take care of the directions.

If you're planning a beach vacation and decide later you'd like to visit a few historical sites, no problem. As long as you have saved your plan, you can make as many changes as you'd like. Add a visit to one of our parks, a fishing trip, or a disc golf game. To get started, just create an account.

What if visiting historical sites leads you to decide that you'd rather spend your time learning about the changes that shaped early America? What if you decide that spending your vacation in the great outdoors is for you? What if you cannot decide at all? Once again, that's not a problem. Each of our accounts allows for users to create multiple trip plans. Why wouldn't it? We know that once you have experienced Newport News, you will be back for another visit!

If you're interested in adding the surrounding cities to your itinerary, visit Coastal Virginia.